Calories for weight loss

It is not a secret that in order to lose weight, you need to eat less. If you run this statement – already not bad. However, it is necessary not only to have a little, you should also pay attention to the energy value of the product, i.e. the amount of calories. Calories for weight loss play a significant role, because it is in this measure, and measured how much energy we need for the needs of our body and our daily activities. And to lose weight, you need to make the number of calories consumed and less burned.

Where to start?

calories for weight loss

To start, you need to calculate how many calories you need for the life of our body: blood circulation, breathing, growth, digestion, etc. helps us the formula of the basal metabolism (OO).

By 9.99 × weight of 6.25 × height – 4,92 × age – 161

This is the formula, approved by the American Association of Nutritionists, that allows the maximum precision possible to count the number of calories required at rest.

We, then, calculate the calories needed per day for our activities: work, sports, household chores, etc.

The general formula of consumption of energy:

The number obtained in the previous calculation, multiplied by the coefficient depends on your style of life:

  • sedentary life-style x1,2;
  • light exercise up to 3 times a week x1,37;
  • of exercise up to 5 times per week x1,46;
  • high-intensity exercise up to 5 times per week x1,55;
  • do sports every day, x1,63;
  • the most intense lessons every day or twice a day x1,72;
  • heavy physical work or high-intensity sports more than twice a day x1,9.

The number that you did this, this, that the amount of calories that you consume every day, without fear of overweight. However, we need the amount of calories per day to lose weight. There are two ways to carry it off:

  1. Take away 200-500 calories of total energy consumption (WEM).
  2. Reduce kcal WEM of 15-20%.

When this nutritionists recommend not to reduce the amount of calories below the result of the formula of sharing (OO). This will help to slow down the metabolism and the destruction of muscle tissue.

There is a difference between calories and calories?

Calories are used as in physics and in nutrition. 1 calorie in the diet is already 1 kg of calories, – calories, which means that the amount of energy needed to heat 1 kg of water 1⁰ s C. namely, in dietary calories and calories is the same thing! 1 Calorie = 1 kcal.

"Useful" sources of calories

To lose weight, just reduce the amount of calorie consumption, you need to find the right products that will not promote the deposition of fat mass.


At breakfast, choose carbohydrates lenses:

  • polenta;
  • fruit;
  • dried fruit;
  • low-fat dairy products.
the calculation of calories

The soup should cook in the water, and after cooking you can add low-fat whipped cream. You can eat further fruits, or add to the pulp of the dried fruit. This, note, that of calories in dried fruit more than the counterparts of fruit (plums – prunes, raisins and grapes, dried apricots – apricot, etc.), as well as the fruit full of water, and dried fruit.


lean meat;
  • the fish;
  • vegetable salads;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • vegetable oils;
  • soups, vegetables;
  • legumes.

When cooking at home, do not be lazy to count the calories of the dishes ready. Take the weights, a calculator and a notepad that will record the results of his calculations.


  • slow carbohydrates (cereals and vegetables);
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • fish.

The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime, otherwise, all stored on your hips and belly in the form of fat.

I hope you realize how interconnected the calories, and weight, and also the fact that both the first and the second is that you can easily learn to control. The result is that – after the first day of a balanced diet, you will feel more clean, more easy and more healthy.