body elasticity

Ruthless statistics reflect an increasingly sad picture of our time: The number of overweight and obese people is increasing in the civilized world. More than a quarter of women (28%, almost a third, to be more precise! ) have good reason to be alarmed and seek help from a weight loss expert. After all, excess weight threatens and damages virtually all organs and systems, often being the cause of the development of chronic and incurable diseases. But instead of getting at least one free consultation at a weight loss clinic, many people choose to ignore the problem or resort to traditional self-treatment. Yes, yes, this is exactly what we should sternly call various lay doctor prescribed weight loss experiments.A girl who wants to lose weight performs bodyflex breathing exercisesSome people go on strict diets, some train themselves to exhaustion with intense activity, and some take medication to lose weight. Another independent trend has begun to gain popularity among those who dream of slimming down - bodyflex breathing exercises. Supporters of this exotic are convinced that to lose weight, it is enough to perform special exercises combined with special breathing.So, what is bodyflex? Does it really work? After all, if that's the case, then maybe it's worth promoting it to the masses more actively? Let’s understand it in more detail in this article.

Main principles of breathing exercises

A set of bodyflex exercises (from the English "body" - body, "flex" - flexible) is a weight loss system that combines yoga, stretching, Pilates and special deep "diaphragmatic" breathing postures. It is believed that due to increased cellular oxygen saturation, metabolic processes are accelerated and fat burning is activated, thereby achieving weight loss.The author of this technique, American housewife Greer Childers, claims that through this method she was able to lose 20 kilograms while improving her skin condition and strengthening her body. She explains that breathing techniques are based on the balance of oxygen intake and carbon dioxide production. As a result, blood pressure increases slightly, sweating increases, and certain chemical reactions are triggered that help speed up metabolism and the breakdown of fat molecules. Greer Childs also said that dietary changes and other weight loss methods are not necessary. All you need to do is breathe correctly.Breathing exercises have the following main principles:
  • You need to calm down, slow down your breathing, and focus;
  • Breathe slowly and deeply, feeling how your lungs expand with the oxygen;
  • Press your lips into a tube and exhale slowly;
  • Breathe sharply through your nose, keeping your lips closed. In this case, the stomach should be distended and protruded as much as possible;
  • Open your lips and exhale through your mouth, making a "groin" sound. The lungs should be as empty as possible and the stomach should be pressed against the inner wall of the spine;
  • It is necessary to retract the stomach as much as possible, directing the contraction of the muscles from bottom to top, towards the ribs. You need to hold this position for 8-10 seconds;
  • Perform breath-holding exercises during this time.
Reviews from proponents of the technology vary. But for the most part, they agree - breathing exercises can complement psychotherapy sessions for weight loss, proper nutrition and improving eating habits. But unfortunately, as a stand-alone method of getting rid of excess weight, bodyflex does not deliver noticeable and, most importantly, stable results.

what happens to the body

The technology’s creator, Greer Childers, promises the following positive effects on the body:
  • Accelerate metabolism and metabolic processes;
  • Improve health, relieve fatigue and apathy;
  • Improve blood circulation;
  • Increase energy levels, tone;
  • Removes waste products and toxins produced by increased sweating;
  • Reduce fat around organs (viscera);
  • Strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to viruses and infections;
  • Strengthening of the abdominal muscles, especially the abdominal muscles (due to the deep breathing of the diaphragm);
  • Improves the function of internal organs.
Regular exercise really helps to fill the brain with oxygen. Proponents of the system note improved performance and increased intelligence. Additionally, deep breathing can help you quit smoking. But interest in bodyflex was sparked by questions about its weight-loss effects. Let's continue the theme. . .

Set of 10 Breathing Exercises for Weight Loss

A similar breathing technique has been used in Indian culture for many years and is called uddiyana bandha.The most important thing to do when practicing is to integrate the key principles of breathing:
  1. After tightening your abdomen, do not inhale, you need to assume a posture. Fixed for 8-10 seconds.
  2. At the end of this period, you need to take a deep breath and move on to the next pose.
If you are interested in the intricacies of this technology, today the Internet is full of special video courses and entire courses that explain it in detail. Let's look at a set of basic exercises.

workout diamond

Diamond exercises are designed to strengthen arm muscles and reduce fat deposits in the shoulders and forearms. technology:
  1. You need to take the starting position: stand up straight with your legs shoulder-width apart and arms in front of you. Keep your elbows high and fingertips touching chest level.
  2. Inhale, exhale deeply, and make a "groin" sound. Pull your stomach in. Record delay.
  3. Hold your breath and press your fingertips together to resist this force. Tightness should be felt in the forearm and shoulder areas.
Effective arm reduction diamond exerciseOnly your fingertips should touch each other. There is no need to lower the elbow or other muscles will be involved in the work. This position should be held for the same 8-10 seconds.

pull arms back

This exercise helps strengthen the shoulder girdle, arm muscles, and forearms. The technique is very similar to the previous exercise:
  • After holding your breath, extend your arms straight back;
  • Tightness should be felt in the biceps area;
  • Hold this position for 8-10 seconds.
Pulling your arms back will help strengthen your shoulder girdle muscles. Each exercise should be repeated 2-4-6 times, with the number of repetitions depending on physical fitness and endurance level. You can supplement this pose with dumbbells or exercise bands. If you put in a little more effort, the results will be more obvious.

side stretch

Lateral stretches help strengthen the muscles along the sides of the body and reduce waist size. The execution sequence is as follows:
  • Initial standing position, legs shoulder-width apart;
  • The left foot must be placed on the toes and the right hand must be raised upward;
  • Take a deep breath, inhale;
  • Place your right hand close to your ear, tilting it slightly. You should feel tension in your lumbar area.
You can make your waist slimmer by doing side stretches. The exercise should be held for 8 seconds. After that, you need to change your arms and legs. It is important to monitor the position of your back; bending over or excessively arching your lower back is not recommended. The arms should not be bent, but straight.

Simply press

An effective exercise for reducing abdominal bulk is the "simple press". It helps strengthen abdominal and neck muscles.
  • Starting position: Lie on your back with legs bent at knees;
  • After exhaling, you need to lift your shoulder blades off the ground and maintain this position for 8-10 seconds.
Practice simple compressions to help reduce abdominal bulkThere should be some distance between the chin and chest, otherwise the burden on the neck will increase in an undesirable way. You should extend your arms forward and lift your shoulder blades as high as possible.

horizontal scissors

Horizontal scissors strengthen the muscles of the lower abdomen, quadriceps, inner and upper thighs.
  • Starting position: Lie on your back with your lower back close to the ground;
  • Exhale, pull your stomach up from bottom to under your ribs;
  • While holding, raise your legs and perform a horizontal scissor pose for 8-10 seconds.
The toes of the foot should be pulled upward. The range of movement should be small and the movement should be slow. It is not recommended to lift your head off the floor as this may increase the load on your neck muscles.

Stand scissors

Vertical scissors help strengthen the abdominal muscles; the lower abdominal muscles are especially actively involved in this work. In addition, the thigh muscles are also exercised.
  • Starting position: Lie on your back with your lower back close to the ground;
  • You need to take a deep breath and tighten your stomach;
  • Lift your legs 30-40cm off the floor without lifting your lower back;
  • Keep your legs crossed vertically, like scissors.
The lower back must be pressed to the floor while performing the exercise. If it comes off, you should lower the leg a little lower.


Lifeboat exercises help stretch and strengthen the inner thigh muscles.
  • Starting position - Sit on your hips with your legs as far apart as possible;
  • Exhale, contract your abdomen;
  • Lean forward and hold this position.
It is recommended to practice slowly and avoid sudden movements. In this case, you need to keep your back straight and pull your toes towards you. You should feel tension in your calves and hamstrings.


"Pretzel" exercises help strengthen the muscles on the outer thighs and shape your waist. The creators of the bodyflex system say this position can significantly reduce waist and hip size.
  • Starting position: Sit on the floor with legs extended;
  • Cross your left leg over your right leg and place it on your foot;
  • The foot of the left leg should be close to the knee of the right leg;
  • Take a deep breath and contract your abdomen;
  • Turn to your bent left leg and hug your knee with your right hand;
  • Hold for ten seconds.
Pretzel exercises will strengthen the outer thigh musclesThe bent knees must be pulled toward the chest and the waist twisted as much as possible.


"Dog" exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles on the inner and outer thighs and improve hip mobility. Proponents of Bodyflex note a reduction in volume in the buttocks and "breeches" area.
  • Starting position - standing on knees and hands;
  • You need to take a deep breath and tighten your stomach;
  • Lift your left leg, bending your knee to 90 degrees;
  • Fixed position for 10 seconds.
You need to do this at least four times: twice on each leg. When practicing, don't raise your head: it's best to look at the floor in front of your palms. This will take the pressure off your neck.


"Cat" exercises help relax, stretch and strengthen back muscles.
  • Starting position - standing on knees and palms;
  • You need to breathe in, hold your breath, and breathe out as much as possible;
  • Bend your back, lower your head, and relax your neck.
Exercise with cats to relieve tension and strengthen back musclesHold the pose for ten seconds. It is important not to bend or lift your head excessively. This exercise is especially useful for people with a sedentary lifestyle - it increases blood circulation and relieves muscle tension.

Who is not suitable for pranayama?

Greer Childers, the method's founder, confidently states that bodyflex is suitable for losing weight in the abdomen and sides, building body strength and enhancing overall tone. But professional doctors warn proponents of this method: you need to be familiar with a large number of contraindications.


Bodyflex is a specialized program and may not be suitable for everyone. There are many contraindications. These include:
  1. Hypertension, coronary heart disease, cardiovascular dystonia.
  2. Congenital or acquired cardiovascular disease.
  3. Chronic or acute disease of internal organs.
  4. Chronic disease in remission.
  5. Serious disease of the visual organ.
  6. Gastrointestinal disorders: Unstable stools, gas, diarrhea.
  7. Hormone levels and endocrine system dysfunction.
  8. diabetes.
  9. Oncology.
  10. Postoperative recovery: This breathing exercise is contraindicated for one year after spinal surgery.
  11. Thyroid disease.
  12. venous aneurysm.
As you can see, the list of very serious contraindications is quite extensive. Obviously, only a weight loss expert can take them all into consideration and recommend or not recommend bodyflex. In general, long-term practice in the fight against obesity worldwide shows that for weight loss, a complex approach (shifting to proper nutrition with the help of psychotherapy) is superior to all other methods. It is this that allows the widest possible audience to not only achieve maximum results in a healthy manner, but also maintain weight in the long term - always very important for anyone looking to lose weight.

Opinions from experts and doctors

Opinions on the bodyflex diet vary; there are clear supporters and detractors everywhere. Experts only favor and almost unconditionally allow the use of the bodyflex respiratory system in a few cases:
  1. Suitable for women to strengthen abdominal muscles in the first month after childbirth. Classic exercises and sit-ups are generally prohibited during this period, and deep abdominal breathing will strengthen the abdominal muscles to a certain extent.
  2. People after a stroke can breathe while lying on their backs, especially if their limbs are atrophied.
  3. People with arthritis can perform simple exercises to strengthen their muscles, but they should avoid putting stress on their joints as much as possible.
  4. Breathing according to the bodyflex system helps relieve a runny nose and clears the airways. In this case, it is best to practice in a bath with aromatic oil.
For beginners, it is best to use the "bodyflex for beginners" system. Of course, it’s best to consult your doctor before starting. It works best if the course itself is also under the guidance of a professional trainer. As a last resort, you can carefully study wise video courses on your own.

Advantages of the bodyflex system

The following advantages are highlighted:
  • Abdominal volume is reduced and abdominal muscles are strengthened;
  • The complex is convenient for beginners and heavy patients and does not require physical training;
  • Deep diaphragmatic breathing can improve the function of the respiratory system and help relieve shortness of breath;
  • decreased appetite;
  • Health improves and energy and vitality increase.
According to Greer Childers, the creator of this breathing exercise, you can feel the benefits after just two weeks of practice. But other people's opinions on the subject vary widely, so you shouldn't trust absolutely anyone here; the only feedback that really matters to us is from weight loss professionals.

Features of the bodyflex system

Like any weight loss system, bodyflex has its own features:
  • Training is carried out at least 2-2. 5 hours after eating, because during diaphragmatic breathing, the stomach actively moves - "pull-bloat", and in the case of a full stomach, this is at least not helpful;
  • regularity of class (daily - at least 15 minutes);
  • The room needs to be ventilated before class;
  • Saturation of reactive oxygen species in the brain can cause dizziness and fainting. This phenomenon is especially common among beginners. Therefore, it is better to conduct at least the first training session under the guidance of an expert;
  • For people whose body mass index is within the normal range, exercise has no effect;
  • These breathing and body exercises should always be a part of life and become an integral part of life because all the weight lost is quickly regained after they are stopped.
You can add to this list that deep breathing can cause hyperventilation of the lungs, which often results in a severe drop in blood acidity and fainting, and conversely, holding one's breath while exhaling can cause hypoxia (which is low oxygen levels, the consequences of which areIrreversible changes in many vital organs). Does the body need this kind of contrast? Will it hurt him? As you know, only a qualified weight loss expert can give you the answer.

Results of training with the bodyflex system

The quantity and quality of the physical changes that you can expect to bring about with the bodyflex system actually depend directly not only on the regularity of training, but above all on maintaining adequate nutrition and the individual characteristics of your body.In other words, the effect of technology itself on weight loss can be seen as auxiliary. First, it is not her who sheds excess water and melts fat, but dietary restrictions and regular exercise. So is it worth overstating its role in your victory?

Three rules for good results

There are three rules to enhance training effectiveness. These include:
  1. Regularity of training.At the same time, their duration is not important, the main thing is every day.
  2. It’s best to exercise on an empty stomach.It’s best to do it in the morning, right after waking up, or two to three hours after your last meal.
  3. Avoid strict diets.The method's creators recommend eliminating fast food and reducing portion sizes of fatty, fried and salty foods.
These rules can speed up results to some extent. But we should not forget about possible contraindications, of which there is an impressive list, and of course the decisive role of the consultant doctor - a qualified weight loss specialist.

Expert Opinion

Bodyflex is a system of breathing exercises that is often seen as an alternative to gym-based weight loss methods. The author of this method is Greer Childers, an American housewife who wrote the book "Get in Shape in 15 Minutes a Day. "In it, she describes her experience losing weight after giving birth using breathing exercises originally derived from yoga methods.Bodyflex involves exercises using special breathing patterns. It is believed that fat tissue is oxidized by oxygen, so this breathing should be deeper and more intense. The basic principles of Bodyflex include:
  1. Regularly practice deep breathing in special postures - "Diamond", "Lion Face", "Ship", etc.
  2. Exercise should be done regularly; interruption or cessation will not only cause weight loss to cease, but may even lead to relapse.
  3. It is best to exercise within 2 hours after eating; the next time you eat can only be done more than 0. 5 hours after the end of exercise.
  4. Nutritional and dietary changes are recommended, such as adding more fiber to the daily menu.
  5. Measure volume and weight regularly.
The materials used specifically for bodyflex are very contradictory. Unfortunately, none of the articles contained physiological or biochemical confirmation of the mechanism of action of this approach. For one thing, fat tissue is actually oxidized by oxygen, which is ultimately delivered by hemoglobin in the blood. On the other hand, this oxidation does not occur directly, but under the influence of a series of enzymes. In addition, the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in the blood of healthy people is 85-95%. Even if this number increases to 100%, the absolute amount of oxygen entering will not be very different.In addition, oxygen is a universal oxidant. If it acts directly on it, it will affect not only fat, but also all proteins, carbohydrates and cell membranes (mainly composed of phospholipid fats), causing inevitable and destructive consequences for the body. Therefore, it is not possible to directly explain the effects of bodyflex through the increased amount of oxygen and its effects.Meanwhile, there are studies that actually show that the lungs and breathing have some effect on fat tissue—not directly, but indirectly. For example, during its initial breakdown, fat produces glycerol molecules and fatty acid molecules, which can enter the bloodstream and circulate there for a period of time. Recent research shows that fatty acid levels in the pulmonary arteries (which carry blood from the heart to the lungs) are significantly higher than in the pulmonary veins (which carry blood from the lungs back to the heart). This suggests that some fatty acids are oxidized directly in lung tissue; breathing can indeed influence this process.Deep, intense breathing also makes the diaphragm and respiratory muscles more active, which in turn increases the body's energy expenditure and may slightly increase the basal metabolic rate. Additionally, breathing exercises can have a beneficial effect on your emotional state, allowing you to experience less stress and thus indirectly influence emotional eating behaviors.Therefore, in some cases the bodyflex system can have a beneficial effect on body weight at the level of other aerobic physical activities, but not as a result of direct oxygen saturation, as its authors suggest, but as a changeComprehensive approach to nutrition, physical activity. and lifestyle. However, bodyflex has many contraindications:
  • Pregnant;
  • severe heart failure;
  • glaucoma;
  • hernia;
  • Tachycardia, other types of cardiac arrhythmias;
  • Oncology;
  • Bronchial asthma and other lung diseases.
In addition, it is not advisable to practice bodyflex alone in the early stage, because vigorous breathing will cause the carbon dioxide content in the blood to drop significantly, leading to side effects such as dizziness and disorientation. It’s worth weighing the pros and cons before starting. If you use bodyflex, it's more likely to be used as an adjunct system to change your diet and lifestyle.