If large, rounded thighs and buttocks, now also in fashion, belly and hips remain the most problematic areas girls who want to have a sleek, elegant profile. In anticipation of the holidays the question on how to lose weight fast in the abdomen and flanks punishment more severe, because any, even the most beautiful dress will not be as effectively with a large belly. Well, we will try to capture all the nuances of this problem and to give effective recommendations that help to lose weight fast, not only in the belly and hips, but to form a fine life. By following the advice and completing the following the most effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and hips at home, you will be able to get rid of the so-called saving of a circle, but how fast can you lose weight in this field depends on your efforts, and, of course, from the initials of the volumes.

Before giving advice, and examples of exercises that will help you get rid of fat in the tummy area and the hips, it is necessary to inform that lose weight only in a particular area of the body is simply impossible. You can only make a greater emphasis on the areas of concern in our case, belly, and hips, in which he has accumulated an excessive amount of fat.
And so fat, in an article we have already raised the topic of fat, but maybe worth repeating, as well as some misconceptions, firmly the thoughts that were passing in the minds of many who want to lose weight. Because many people believe that exercises involving the abdominal muscles can help burn the fat on the belly, also consider that if you take any weight, the effect will be more strong. This is an absolute myth, you will truly pump up your abdominal muscles, but the fat reduction in the belly area is influenced to a small extent, also doing abdominal exercises with additional weight, the muscles grow, making the belly more convex. I will say again that the exercises for slimming the abdomen can be reached only 20% of the total effect in the form of reduction of body fat in the stomach area, for this, to have a flat stomach, it is necessary to apply a series of measures, which we will discuss below.
And now another misunderstanding on the fact that the slopes with dumbbells will make your life more thin and burn the fat in this area, a trifle! In this way, the escalation of the muscles, and your life will only become more visually ample, if it is so, and do the slopes, only, without further weighting.
Diet for weight loss belly and hips
The first thing that you need to pay attention and change, is, of course, the daily diet, without correction of which, even the most effective exercises for slimming the abdomen will become ineffective. Proper nutrition, calculating your daily calories, and the like has already been said, it's not little, however it is possible to highlight the main rules of power, in which you will be able to lose weight and reduce the volume in the area of the belly and hips.
- try to reduce the power consumption, and better to eliminate completely from the diet, at least for the time weight loss, details carbohydrates (sugar and products that contain it in their composition, baked goods, etc);
- try to prepare meals with less salt content, as salt retains water in the body, the more it manifests itself with swelling;
- eat small portions (200 g), 4-5 times per day;
- don't ignore the body's water balance, drinking at least 1.5-2 litres of purified water per day, this will speed up the metabolism, which ultimately have a positive impact on the process of weight loss in the abdominal area including;
- replace fat varieties of meat and fish, low-fat content. Lean meats: chicken, turkey, beef, veal, rabbit meat. Low-fat varieties of fish: hake, cod, carp, pike, cod, carp, mullet, pike, cod, sea bream, plaice.
- as a method of cooking, to give preference fried, boiling, stewing, cooking in the steam.
The implementing rules of the home exercises to lose weight stomach and hips

- The most effective exercises for weight loss belly and hips at home is time in the morning, when you still have time to make breakfast or after 2-3 hours after the morning meal. Just at this moment, the body is much more intense burn fat, not having the so-called "reload".
- If you really want to lose weight in the abdomen and hips, forgetting all of different weights, all of the home exercises to lose weight stomach and hips to perform, use only the weight of his own body. Otherwise, the escalation of the muscle, which will give a visual of an increase in volumes.
- To achieve results it is necessary to comply with a regime of regular exercise, avoiding long pauses. Also doing workouts at home for weight loss abdomen and hips, you must adjust the intensity of the exercise and not find excuses feeling of slight tiredness.
- Alternate exercises for slimming the abdomen, with a lot of cardio, this combination is able to get rid of excess fat in the abdominal area is much faster. It is also necessary to alternate exercises with different sizes of execution.
- To lose weight in the abdomen and hips enough for 2-3 workouts per week, for a sport select 3-4 exercises and perform one after the other in three series of each exercise, which should be composed of 25-30 repetitions.
Wrap slimming the abdomen and hips at home
One of the most available and the most effective ways to remove fat from the abdomen and form a beautiful and slender home-life is a circle. As well as the same circle affects the process of weight loss and if it is possible with the help of the housing to remove belly fat and hips? During the rotation of the circle activates and maintains the tone of the abdominal muscles, back, hips, thighs, buttocks and calves. However, you are only doing the muscles, during the lessons, the circle, you will burn calories, as well as increases the circulation of blood in the area of the belly and speeds up the metabolic processes in the whole, which leads to actively burn body fat. In addition, using the wrap slimming belly, you to get rid of cellulite in this field. At first glance, everything is simple enough, cold if the same circle, and reduce the amount of life, get rid of belly and hip, but when you have to deal with the loss of weight with the help of the case, it poses a series of questions that we will try to find the answers.
A circle of better and more effective for weight loss?
If you are a beginner and you still have to learn to do the hula hoop, before you begin to work actively for weight loss, is it worth to buy a circle light, for example, aluminum (hollow inside) or plastic bag. So it's faster will be able to learn how to perform the technique and burn calories. After that it refines the technique of execution, it is possible to use more than the rims weighed, or, for example, in the already purchased aluminum (empty) filled with sand or peas, in a word, everything that is in mind, the main purpose of weighing it down. Weighted circle (1.5 to 3 kg) helps you lose weight in the abdomen and a little to correct the contours of life.
To lose weight in the abdomen, to get rid protruding sideways and cellulite in this field, to give the preference circle. So the circle has on its surface to massage the balls, able to cope not only with the fat in the abdominal area, but and annoying cellulite.
With the purchase of the housing necessarily ensure that the circle is closer to your development, to do this, stand up, shell put on the floor in front of you and connect it to the body, the upper edge of the envelope and must reach up to the level of your lower ribs. Just the purchase of a circle, make sure that the entire surface is smooth and has no chipping and other defects. When purchase an enveloping massage, make sure that is embedded in the surface of the covering balls were soft and revolved around its axis.
How successfully and how far the circle, which would be to get rid of the belly and hips?
In the initial stages of starting to rotate the circle for 5-7 minutes for a lesson, with each new occupation gradually increase the time up to 45 minutes. Another important aspect that must be taken into account, this is the time when you can start to turn the circle, i.e. two hours before or two hours after a meal. Otherwise, it is possible to cause a damage to their health.

That would remove the belly fat with the help of the envelope, must be properly twist, exactly twist, and does not catch his fall, for this you need to make a rotary movement to the lower part of the body with a small amplitude. Foot, keep shoulder width or slightly wider, slightly bend your knees. The abdominal muscles and the lower back all the time to keep you on your toes. Rotate the circle serves in the clockwise direction, do not make sudden movements, nor injure the back. Don't be discouraged if once you not be able to rotate the circle a long period of time, believe me, the correct running technique will come with time. During the lessons, the circle for breathing, it should not be intermittent. Proper breathing helps to speed up the metabolism, which in turn accelerate the burning of body fat.
Exercises with the hoop for slimming the abdomen
The research revealed the three most effective exercises that will help you get rid of heartburn, you can perform an exercise for a lesson or to run their complex, making the workout more varied. However, do not forget that in the early stages is always better to run the normal momentum circle and only after you have reached a good technique to make a effective and challenging exercises with the circle.
- Exercise with the hoop "Yogic rotation"Stand, legs together, arms bent at the elbows, fingers, gathering in a castle on the nape of the neck. The elbows spread them apart. Turn the circle, making fluid circular movements (with small amplitude) from side to side. Run 88 laps in one direction and 88 turns from the other side. One of the main aspects of this exercise is the breath, try to exhale for a few seconds, hold the breath and with the utmost involve the stomach. In the early stages of do 2 repetitions in both directions, with each occupation to increase the number of repetitions up to 7.
- Exercise with the circle "the planets"Is an exercise a little bit more sophisticated, put the legs a bit already the width of the shoulders, the hands behind the nape of the neck. Begins to rotate the circle clockwise, make a couple of revolutions the circle, after which starts to slowly turn around its axis and around the casing (to the right). Perform 10 right turns and 10 left.
- Exercise for the belly, "the arrow of heaven"is Pretty difficult exercise that will help you to remove belly fat with the help of the envelope, requires a good physical preparation, and developed a sense of balance. Your body must remember the arrow hours, legs together, climb on the toes of the feet (tip-toe), the hands raised above the head and colleagues in the palm of the hand. In this position, rotate the circle, in this way, the execution speed of an exercise is not important. Perform the exercise for 10 minutes.
- Exercise the same way is quite complex, but very effective in the fight with a big belly. Fix the position of the foot together (are very close), the hands behind the head. Rotate the circle in the space of 5 minutes on one side and 5 minutes on another, the legs must remain completely motionless. Only works on the axis of the basin.
Remember that it would get rid of the stomach with the help of the envelope is necessary to respect the regularity in your workouts and, of course, to follow the diet. It is recommended that you not use the wrap in the menstrual period, pregnancy out of all of the deadlines, in the postpartum period, as well as in the case of illness of the liver, the kidney and inflammation of the ovaries.
If the exercise with the hoop to a flat stomach is not enough or you simply want to add variety to your workout, and switch the load in different areas of the belly, we offer you the most effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and hips, which you can easily do at home. It is not the standard torsion and the exercises for the abs, because they no way affect the fat present in the abdominal area, but only to pump up the abdominal muscles, exercises that will really burn the fat. You can choose for the formation of a couple of exercises or carry out their proposed sequence.
Exercises for slimming the abdomen

Belt for a flat stomach. Starting position: get on your knees, hands put on the floor, his head lowering his face to the ground. Then pull the belly, straining the abdominal muscles, the pelvis to turn on itself, after that it folded to the elbows. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulder joints. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, constantly pulling in your abdominal muscles. Then straighten the legs, passing for the classic bar on the elbows, and hold this position for 6-8 accounts. Then get on your knees and pull forward stretching the muscles. Exercise repeat 3-5 times.