Exercises to slim hips

Many girls are looking for some particularly effective exercises for the hips, thinking that you can lose weight just in the right place. However, shown that burn the fat at the local level – it is impossible. Performing the exercises for the hips, you just train them and help them quite an attractive appearance.

Complete slimming the hips

exercise for weight loss

Exercises and, in general, any physical activity, which will help you to rediscover the harmony. But if you want fast results to address the complex needs.

If the problem is in a large amount of body fat – it is recommended that you follow and diet to lose weight on your hips. Better if like this diet you choose a normal proper diet – do not eat too much, choose light side dishes of vegetables, lean meat, sweet eating, lunch time is limited, and, of course, eat more fruit and vegetables.

Effective exercises to lose weight hips

If you are seriously looking for what exercises you can take from boca, you'll probably be a bit surprised. As already mentioned above, the fat is impossible to burn locally, and if you lose weight – weight loss of everything, starting from the one which requires the establishment (often to lose weight from top to bottom, starting from the breast). Just for this effective exercises against side is, first of all, the aerobic activity.

For weight loss effective you can run, run in place or jump rope. This, note that to burn fat run need of not less than 30 minutes of jumping rope – not less than 20. If you are every day that will practice these effective methods, you will lose weight quite quickly.

What exercises to remove boca?

In the exercises to lose weight hips and in any case not worth to use complication. It is best to practice the exercises, which, according to its principle of action are somewhere between a banner and weights, exercises. Doing exercises for the lateral muscles with weights, you may raise the volume of muscles, and still more to extend the life. These exercises are suitable for men only!

In the women's series of exercises for the coupon laterally, it is possible to activate five simple exercises:

  1. Exercise 1. Feet wider than shoulders, her arms raised upward, the shoulder is reduced. Fold one of the hands at the elbow and drag to the side and back a little. Repeat 2-3 times. Repeat for the other hand. Then do the same thing, but with both hands at the same time.
  2. Exercise 2. Feet wider than shoulders, a hand on the belly, the other looks to the side. Easily turn to the hands, which is on the belly, and drag in this direction, by bending the leg with the same side of the knee. Repeat 3 times. Proceed in another direction.
  3. Exercise 3. Feet wider than shoulders, body foam, one of the legs. A hand in the upper, the other lower. Do a lunge, lowering the arm in front of him, after that lower the hand, and the other, on the contrary, raise. Perform the exercise at a slow pace, stretches forward for 5 times for each side.
  4. Exercise 4. Feet wider than shoulders, the right hand stretched upward, the left in an arbitrary way. Make a lunge towards it, crouching down on the left foot and drag in the direction of a hand above the head. Run 3 times and repeat for the other side.
  5. Exercise 5. Feet wider than shoulders, hands outstretched vertically above the head. Make a thrust in the direction and tilt the torso with straight arms toward the bent leg. Make sure that the back is flat. As you stretch, try to stay in that position. Perform three times for each side.
slimming the sides

How to get rid of the hips, exercises in conjunction with running and diet gave excellent results. But if you want to notice a real change in the first week, add to this a more, and a total of 30 minutes of twisting of the casing to the day.