The lemon has established itself as an excellent remedy for weight loss, because it contains a lot of substances, that can remove the fat and build the metabolism. And strengthens the immune system, which leads to normal levels of sugar, protects against colds. But has a number of contraindications that you need to know for those who want to shed quickly the extra pounds.
Characteristics weight loss with the help of lemon

The citric acid is considered to be useful by interacting with the enzymes, it stimulates digestion and the secretion of gastric juice. That ensures that a gender effect? First of all, the composition of the citrus tree.
Positive properties:
- The pectin contained in the foetus, surrounds the wall of the intestine.
- It lessens the hunger.
- Vitamin c strengthens the immune system.
- Potassium, zinc, boron and copper support the body in good shape.
Negative characteristics:
- Can damage the enamel of the teeth. Therefore, after the juice sciacquarmi the mouth.
- In diseases of the stomach or intestines lemon to increase the acidity.
The lemon diet there is the ability to restore per day up to 2 kg, but nutritionists warn that such an action is realized through the loss is not so much fat as liquid. The method is good for a quick drop of weight. But count on a long lasting effect is possible only with the constant use of the citrus tree.
Rigid diet lets you lose up to 5 pounds in 2 days, but before applying it is necessary the advice of a nutritionist. Water with lemon to increase the acidity, resulting in faster absorption of the calcium. This element helps to burn fat, highlight extra energy. If the calcium is being absorbed more quickly, the process of fall of the weight will start to arouse. Be used not only fruit juice, and lemon zest.
Methods of lemon slimming
The method most simple and effective method – the water with lemon. Promotes digestion, eliminates toxins, cleanses the blood vessels. You do not need a hard limit of food, it is sufficient to reduce the number of undesirable products. Lemon guarantee the result, and in combination with other liquids.
Lemon and water
This drink is recommended to drink in the morning. If the weight of a person up to 70 kg, the piece – the juice of half a foetus in a glass of water. With a weight exceeding 80 kg, bred already a whole lemon. You can add a teaspoon of honey. Well behaved, and drink a decoction of camomile tea with lemon.
- dried chamomile – 1 teaspoon;
- lemon – 3 cloves;
- water – 1 glass.
Preparation: grass pour boiling water, add the lemon juice. To conclude, the night to insist. Drink per day for 5-6 shots.
Lemon and sugar
Lemon and sugar is known as a great remedy for colds, helps to defeat the virus, to lower the temperature and the inflammation. But this combination, if applicable, and for the weight loss, because this mix:
- eliminates toxins;
- it has a diuretic effect, eliminates the excess fluid;
- reduces the feeling of hunger;
- compensates for the lack of glucose.
The essential oil of
Slimming also use the essential oil of lemon. Only her need not to eat and breathe. The liquid is poured into the aroma lamp, the device will turn on and a few minutes enjoy the flavor. Nutritionists point out that this method is perfectly discourages the appetite and is well suited to those who is contraindicated to eat the citrus fruits in the food. You can compose a mix of oils of lemon, apple, rose, mint or lavender, the effect of lemon, if this persists.
Lemon with ginger
Ginger is considered to be one of the most effective means for weight loss, and in connection with the lemon the effect is amplified. But has a number of contraindications. Ginger may not be used for:
- allergies;
- diseases of the liver and of the heart;
- bleeding;
- of pregnancy;
- the breast-feeding.
The abuse of ginger cause heartburn and constipation. But if there are no contraindications, the combination with the lemon is suitable for fresh, dried or frozen ginger. The dry portion should be 2 times less.
The ginger-lemon mixture with honey
- lemon – 1 pc.;
- ginger root – 1 pc.;
- honey to taste.
Preparation: lemon and the chopped ginger in a blender or grate. Mix well, add the honey. Take 3 tablespoons per day, half an hour before meals. Store in the refrigerator.
Ginger-lemon drink
- zest of lemon grated – 1 teaspoon;
- grated ginger – 1 teaspoon;
- water – 2 glasses.
Preparation: lemon and ginger, pour hot water, infuse for 12 hours. Drain. Drink 1 glass a day. Store in a cool place.
Lemon tea

For weight loss, we recommend green tea, because black contains caffeine and may cause side effects, such as increased pressure or a jump in level of sugar in the blood.
The action of the green tea with lemon:
- it reduces the percentage of bad cholesterol;
- strengthens the immune system;
- energizing;
- breaks down fats;
- it blunts the appetite.
Reduced weight by of antioxidants, which are contained in the composition of green tea. More effective with the addition of ginger.
- ginger root – 20 g;
- water – 250 ml;
- lemon – 0,5 fetus;
- green tea – 1 tsp.
Preparation: ginger, pour hot water, boil for half an hour. Let it cool a bit, the water was hot, pour in the green tea leaves. Squeeze the juice of a lemon, rub the lemon zest, add it in a drink. Pour into a thermos and infuse for 40 minutes. Filter, drink half an hour before meals in the form of heat.
A day can be consumed not more than 3 cups of drink!
Lemon and soda
So the mix is very effective, but extremely dangerous for people with cardiovascular diseases, ulcer, allergic to citrus fruits or baking soda.
- soda – 0,5 tsp;
- water – 300 ml;
- lemon – 0,5 fetus.
Preparation: squeeze the juice, add the baking soda and water. Drink in small sips, for 1 serving per day. To enhance the taste, you can add the mint and ice.
Yogurt and lemon
Diet the diet believe the invention of the athletes, when the weight is gone, and the force and energy remain. But attacking his permission no more than 1-2 days. Drink better, low-fat yogurt, but from a product normal fat content, the effect will be the same. Lemon juice can be added to yogurt or eat a fruit in the shape of a clove.
- Brunch 0.5 liters of yogurt and half a lemon.
- We eat the same portion of the drink, but with a whole lemon.
- The dinner is a portion of a similar breakfast.
This diet dangerous, with low acidity!
Lemon diet for one week
It has gained a great popularity citric diet, when the quantity of lemons introduced in the diet in accordance with the principle growing. The liquid you need to drink at least 2 litres of water per day. From the fruit you use the peel, the pulp and the juice.
The rules of the diet:
Day 1
- The morning to drink a glass of warm water with lemon: 1 fruit 200 ml. After 20 minutes of eating the polenta in the water or fruit salad.
- Snack – 200 g ricotta cheese 1 teaspoon lemon zest.
- Lunch soup of vegetables and fish in the oven, where you add the zest.
- Dinner-boiled chicken fillet – 150 g salad and vegetables or grains.
Day 2
- Fasting drinking water with the juice of 2 lemons. We have breakfast muesli with a zest of lemon water and an apple. Weak tea, coffee.
- Snack – yogurt with cereal bread.
- Lunch-fish soup, where you add a tablespoon of lemon zest, and the buckwheat with steam shower and meat.
- Dinner fruit salad with ricotta and lemon pulp.
Day 3
- Portion in a glass of water – 3 lemons. After a 20 minutes steam, omelette, vegetables.
- Snack with fruit, nuts and lemon zest.
- Lunch soup with meatballs chicken and a salad of radishes with cucumbers, where we add the lemon juice.
- Dinner with a cup of yogurt and an apple.
From the 4th to the 7th day in the morning the number of lemons in a glass increases of 1 fruit. Swallow the water with the juice of 7 lemons can be in a drink put the honey, still allowed to split the dose, adding a part of the juice of tea. The menu of products offered varies.
The main contraindication for the application of citric diet – disease of the stomach or intestines. Also weakly pronounced gastritis can quickly turn into an ulcer. The lemon is often the cause of heartburn. It is not possible to organise similar exhaust adolescents, pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers.
It is prohibited to weight loss lemon in diseases:
- hyperacidity-gastric ulcer;
- enterocolitis;
- viral hepatitis;
- jade;
- cholecystitis;
- the pancreatitis.
Useful tips
For the drink has brought the maximum benefit, it is important to respect the rules for its preparation and consumption. You need to drink several times a day, in the morning fasting, and then, between one meal and another, but no more than 3 times per day. For the night – for an hour before going to bed.
Some valuable advice:
- Drink water with lemon in need of hot, cold, inhibits the metabolism.
- During the diet to eat more vegetables and fruit.
- Drink plenty of water to reduce the effect of the acid.
- Drink drink in small sips, it dulls the thirst and the hunger.
- If you really want to eat, you can drink a glass of normal water.

Respecting citric diet it is important to take account of the common diet. A condition essential to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day.