It is one that you should almost completely eliminate from your diet products, in which carbohydrates and fats are contained in large amount, namely: cereals, potatoes, pasta, butter, flour, sweet. While the need to go to eat low-fat dairy products, eggs, fish, lean meat.
In principle, if you are sitting on the protein diet a week or two, then you can lose up to eight kilos of his weight. Tempting?
What is the secret of a protein rich diet for weight loss?
Remember that carbohydrates are the main source of fuel for our body. If you take away their entry into the body, then our thrifty body's own will begin to receive the glucose from the old fat storage. Using this method, you will be able to significantly reduce the number of fat and lose weight. Another important benefit of a high protein diet is that the weight loss is not in any way do not combine with the a sense of hunger. After you stop a diet (unless, of course, it is with emotion is not skipped on the flour and sweet), you can easily maintain the result achieved.
However, there are some disadvantages of such a diet: significantly reduced intake of some fat-soluble vitamins and minerals, and fats in your body, it is very necessary for its full operation. The objective of this exposure can become the skin, the hair, it is possible the appearance of insomnia and fatigue. And another less – excessive work of the kidneys. So, if you have been previously observed problems with the functioning of this organ, it's not worth so load.
Classic menu protein diet:
The breakfast is allowed to drink black coffee or tea, eat a little bit of croutons.
Dining options:
- Hard-boiled egg, salad of kale, cooked, tomato juice.
- Boiled or fried fish, salad of fresh vegetables.
- Apples, fried in vegetable oil zucchini.
- Hard cheese, cooked carrots, raw egg.
- Significant boiled chicken, or 200 g of boiled beef.
For the dinner are allowed the following products:
- Boiled or fried fish.
- 200 g of boiled beef, yogurt.
- 2 hard-boiled eggs, beef, salad of fresh cabbage.
- Fruit.
- A cup of grated carrots with butter, 2 eggs.
However, I remind you once again that, because of the inferiority of this diet in minerals and vitamins, it is not recommended to follow this diet for more than two weeks. Heard live from a protein-rich diet, and now goes to the new fish hydrolysate.