The time comes, when those seeking a variety of weight-loss diet, disappointed in many systems of loss of weight, by checking on the self-efficacy of diet plan adjust with the purpose of get rid of excess weight. Dietary modern, occupies a special place in the diet of the stars of the screen, created by Pierre Dukan), time has passed and many years of practice. Express Dukan diet four phases weight loss that is recognised around the world system diet "number one". Given the characteristics of the famous diet rapid weight loss.
The essence of the protein diet Dukan

What is popularity the French diet? The base of the system slimming Dukan – protein diet and a drastic reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates and fats. Already 3-4 days, you feel the efficacy of two phases of a weight loss system. Many hollywood stars have purchased the chiseled figure of the "Barbie", thanks to a best weight loss diet the famous diet and loads. Penelope Cruz, Jennifer Lopez, prince William's wife have a sensational silhouettes after the loss of weight with the French diet of dr. Dukan.
If you think that the Dukan diet – is the power supply system, that is deep, personal deception. The weight loss, do not feel for always reminds you of its existence the feeling of hunger. Diet the French diet includes a lot of "protein" products and proteins, as is well known, is the "building material" of every cell of our body. And another important feature of the system slimming Dukan: the muck too many pounds after the application of the diet is not returned in the course of a few years!
The description of the first phase of the diet – attack
You decide to radically change the performance of the body mass? Then start the French of the enzyme diet. The first stage of the rapid weight loss is called "attack". This "protein style" for the body: all the cells are filled with protein and energy if it goes on the breakdown of fats. Intense metabolism provides a strong weight loss already in the first 3-10 days. This period of diet system lasts depending on the desired result weight loss: the attack, it was designed for 3 days will help to relieve during this time, up to 7 kg, attack 3-5 days – less 8-15 kg, and the attack up to 10 days – reset up to 25 kg of weight. To speed up the results of the first phase, you should accompany its special complex for weight loss.
The second phase – alternation (cruise)
When the body is "stuck" on a lot of protein, let's move on to the second phase diet, under the name of "alternation" or "cruise". The essence of the second phase of the diet – in the alternation of "protein" and "vegetables" days (2-4 days). In the end the system diet – lose 1 kg of excess weight in a 7 days. The duration of this phase weight loss depends on the desired effect: the more you want to throw off weight, longer cruise. In addition to 72 units of production of proteins in the diet is added another 28 vegetables and low-calorie.
The third phase of consolidation
From the cruise gradually return to the usual menu of the day, before applying the French diet, but this step is very slow. The fixing stage of the system Dukan allows you to stabilize the weight, keep reached a slimming effect. In a dietary diet 100 foods Dukan introduce pasta, bread, rice, potatoes, fruit (except grapes, bananas, cherries in a small amount. One day of the week – protein, i.e., diet diet consisting only of protein products.
Fourth – the stabilization of the weight
The last phase of the diet the nutritionist French Dukan is called the "stabilization" of the weight, when it is attached to the result reached. It is not necessary to do this, apply a lot of effort. You only need to eat slimming daily of bran, oats (3 tablespoons "with slide"), don't forget to drink excessive during the whole diet. I am satisfied that those who lose weight, switch to a full-power (about bad habits, as we often forget), and only once a week is recommended to eat foods with high protein content.
General rules for all phases
In diet weight loss diet Dukan dominated by proteins. As says the founder of the diet, the functioning of the body impossible without the protein. Then weight loss will be possible if protein services last a couple of months to stabilize the result reached. In addition to special recommendations for each phase of the diet there are general rules. Weight fell of no return, and the health is not damaged, it is important that when diet system Dukan don't forget these moments:
- Every day drink a daily minimum of 1.5 litres of plain water (drinking or mineral water).
- To avoid the constipation from the consumption of protein-rich foods, you must include in your diet every day 2-3 spoons of bran oats with water.
- To maintain his body during the the French diet in good conditions, it is advisable to compulsorily take multivitamins.
- Also during the dietary of the power system Dukan unacceptable lack of oxygen in the body, therefore daily walks and fresh air are essential for the body.
As shown by the reviews of someone who has lost weight, the results of a diet greatly improved if you accompany it with the acquisition finished, a cocktail of natural ingredients.
Table 72 allowed product Dukan

Dukan diet to lose weight fast suggests to use in the diet only 72 units permits the products of the enzyme nature. You are in any doubt, eat it if a certain product if it is not indicated in the table of permitted foods? Then it is better to refrain from eat – the body only thank the great reduction of weight.
Approved products Dukan | |
Meat | steak, beef meat (fillet, sirloin), roast beef, tongue, dried beef (basturma), ham, rabbit, kidney, liver veal, lean ham, pork, chicken. |
Fish | dorado, hake, cod, whiting, halibut, haddock, flounder, blue mackerel, catfish, sea herring, mullet, trout, pike, carp, catfish, sturgeon, anchovies, sardines, skat, tuna, salmon, crab meat, crab sticks, fish eggs. |
Fruits of the sea | squid, trumpeter, scallops, shrimps, crabs, lobsters, oysters, mussels, lobsters, octopus, sea urchins, cuttlefish, crabs. |
Bird |
chicken, turkey, quail, guinea fowl, chicken liver, ostrich. |
Vegetables | beets, asparagus, eggplant, cabbage (cabbage, brussels sprouts, red, cauliflower, kohlrabi, broccoli), carrots, celery, zucchini, cucumbers, spinach, chicory, green beans, onions, turnips, peppers, celery seed, radishes, squash, tomatoes, lettuce, mushrooms, bean sprouts. |
Dairy products | ricotta (soft grains or beans), the cheese melted, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, semi-skimmed yoghurt. |
The eggs | chicken, quail. |
An example of a menu for each day
Protein in a day (a sample menu of the diet for the first weight loss phase):
- 1 breakfast: 100 g to have it lightly salted salmon, an omelette of 2 proteins, tea or coffee.
- 2 breakfast: bran of oats (2 tablespoons) with yogurt.
- Lunch: steam veal cutlet baked chicken meat flavored with garlic, lemon, rosemary.
- Snack: boiled shrimp, seasoned with turmeric, pepper.
- Dinner: salmon (steak), seafood, mutton, and yogurt.
Protein-vegetable day
- Breakfast: pancakes, zucchini with grated carrots, omelette with chives, tomato, peppers, ricotta cheese low-fat.
- Second breakfast: yogurt allowed fruit.
- Lunch: fish, lean, cooked, steamed, vegetable soup (without potatoes) or stew, tea.
- Snack: salad, sliced fresh vegetables, and yogurt.
- Dinner: beef, grilled, stewed cabbage with dill, eggplants, tomatoes, or salsa.
Recipes for Dukan diet
The power supply system Dukan diet can not be considered hard and bad taste: fish, meat, and other products permitted with a high content of protein, are perfectly combined among themselves, and your culinary imagination will help to cook the salty dietary goodies during the weight loss. Between which allowed the French diet, spices, protein ingredients (serves simple, wholesome and tasty dishes.
Recipe 1. More than prepare pancakes, diet ricotta cheese Dukan
- ricotta cheese mass 100 g (without sugar);
- egg – 1 pc.;
- ricotta cheese low fat – 2 tbsp. l.;
- sugar substitute to taste, and cinnamon.

- Blender, blend all the products. It will be rascality a frying pan put the butter and pour a little of the test.
- Cook more than prepare pancakes under the cover: each side fry for 2 minutes.
- Chilled more than prepare pancakes prepare of soft cheese and fold "cake".
- Sprinkle with cinnamon and serve spicy dish.
Recipe 2. Cake scented with chicken and vegetables during the diet
- chicken fillet – 300 g;
- egg whites – 4;
- yogurt – 150 ml;
- ricotta cheese – 300 g;
- spices (garlic, turmeric, chilli and ginger);
- dried herbs (onion, dill);
- sol – 0,5 teaspoon.
- Whip the egg whites with the salt.
- Pass the ricotta, spices with a strainer until smooth.
- Add half of the thread to the contents of the blender and blend.
- The rest of the chicken meat cut in small pieces and mix with the ricotta cheese and kefir mass.
- At the end of enter proteins.
- Pour the mixture into the mold and sprinkle with herbs.
- Bake in the oven at medium heat for 35 minutes.
Recipe 3. Sautéed turkey with zucchini slimming Dukan
- chicken breast fillets – 600-650 grams;
- medium zucchini;
- 1 onion;
- half of a small carrot;
- dill, rosemary to taste;
- sol.
- Dice zucchini and cook in a pan with a little water under the cover.
- Fillet to trim and add to the pan.
- Grate the carrots and also put in the zucchini with a turkey.
- Add the salt and seasonings.
- Cook until tender.
As each state developed by professional system weight loss, the Dukan diet has its contraindications for weight loss. Because the body suffers from an excess of digest the proteins, the metabolic processes at the end of the diet of a healthy person are improving, and, in particular, the body does not suffer. But in people with associated with the following diseases, loss of weight, the French system can cause dangerous effects.
Then, the Dukan diet is unacceptable for weight loss people who suffer from:
- kidney disease;
- hypertension;
- gall-stone disease and cholecystitis;
- dyskinesia of the intestine;
- gout;
- atherosclerosis.
It is strictly forbidden to experiment on your own body, want to lose weight, for those who intend to become a mother, pregnant women and lactating women. The body during the diet is not receiving all the micronutrients necessary, it is observed a sharp deterioration in the health and well-being for weight loss. Otherwise, from the application of the famous weight loss system it causes harm not only the body of the future mother, but there is a huge risk of abnormal development of the fetus.