author Christophe

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  • Running can speed up your metabolism and is an effective way to improve your health. Proper running helps correct problem areas and is a good alternative to exercise equipment. Consider different types of weight loss runs, load programs, techniques, and contraindications.
    29 March 2022
  • There are no contraindications or strict restrictions on the Mediterranean diet. The most important thing is that the fallen kilograms will not come back. Together with the doctor, we figure out what her secret is.
    6 September 2021
  • What is pancreatitis and what is the danger? The rules of nutrition, diet and pancreatic diseases menu.
    21 September 2020
  • Advertising offers several tools to reduce the weight by a variety of diets, all types of "fat burners". But how to lose weight correctly?
    24 August 2019
  • If there are weight loss benefits? That losing weight is not bad? Speaking of this useful to the body to lose weight.
    28 May 2019
  • How to lose weight man — question, the answer is hidden in the calculation of the ideal weight and standards of calories for men.
    28 March 2019
  • The presence of an excess of weight causes the appearance of complex health problems, depression. Then, you need proper weight loss without harm for health.
    6 March 2019